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Arkanoid 4

Copyright : John Mug | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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It seems as if the popular bat and ball series is never going to end with this the 4th installment of the on going battle between the evil Doh and your good self.

The game remains the same as the previous releases as you will see from our review so don?t expect any great differences.


Arkanoid 4 looks more like Arkanoid 2 than the previous release with similar colours being used throughout the levels (very nice indeed we might add) but there still isn?t anything overly new in the game as the enemies look pretty much the same, power-ups and downs have only slightly been updated from the originals and level designs also remain pretty much the same and rapidly get more difficult as you progress.


Sound is as you would expect if you have read the other reviews here at CPC Zone very good indeed, offering superb title theme music, in-game tunes to bop along to at the start of each level and of course the legendary Arkanoid sounds that make an appearance almost every three seconds of gameplay - you will not want to play this with the sound turned down.


Gameplay however is exactly the same as Arkanoid 2 with the amount of lives being subtracted back down to the typical 3 life system (Arkanoid 3 offers many more) and the idea hasn?t changed a bit - hit the bricks, knock them down and move on to the next level. Of course there are a few new things to tinker with but it?s nothing that makes the game stand out from the rest of the previous releases, those that have played either of the originals will soon realise they are playing the same game with slightly new looking levels.

Of course if you have never played any of the original Arkanoid games this game offers plenty to keep you going but as we said earlier you can?t help but feel that the game could be done as an expansion pack for the original game.

The bottom line is that Arkanoid 4 is a great game but we?ve seen it all before and I?m sure most of our readers will agree with this, it?s still worth playing though and as such still gets the top game award.


Retro Gamer