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PLEASE NOTE : This section will soon be getting revamped and will offer much more than it does now, it was last on my list of things to edit when switching the layout. For that reason it is probably best to check back at another time and keep an eye on the news.

Welcome to the download section. Here you will find a range of CPC related files, such as Windows XP icons, messenger formatted avatars and avatars, plugins for your browsers, tags, links to a range of CPC emulators and more, just to customise and get the "retro-gaming" most out of your PC or Apple.

To get started select a category from the sections menu on the right hand side of your screen.

How do I use this thing!?

Most of the items available for download are pretty self-explanatory, others will need a little bit of computing know-how to get the most out of them. In which case you should find complete documentation in the downloaded files that will help you, if you're still experiencing problems then don't forget to check out the forums.

If you need help with an emulator, please do read the documentation that comes packaged with the program, check the official website for that emulator and if you're still having major problems then don't hesitate to reach out for some help via our forums. To be honest its really not as hard as you might think to get Amstrad titles working on your brand spanking new PC and FAR LESS difficult than emulating something more complicated like the PlayStation or Atari Jaguar.


Retro Gamer