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3D Fight

Copyright : Loriciels | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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3D Fight is another game of good vs evil and in which you must battle your way through wave after wave of enemie ships and traps in what seems to be 3D.

No doubt this game sold well in the country of origin as did most titles that had the words "3D" plastered on the front cover, don?t ask me why but people just went mad for anything that was even remotely close to the also emerging "Virtual Reality" systems that were appearing in many magazines at that time - included the wonderful Amiga Action.
Anyway, on with the review...


3D Fight is in it?s own right a very good and perfectly playable shoot-em-up for the Amstrad CPC and is easily comparable to an early version of the tunnel levels in the Amiga classic Stardust.

The graphics are fine but they don?t get much better than your first impression. The fake 3D effect is obvious when you first glance at the game, take a close look at the edges of the screen and notice how they are slightly off-set from the moving top and bottom halfs...once you notice that it does begin to distract you. In honesty because of the lack of a good AI (artificial inteligence) in the enemy the game can almost be complete by keeping your ship in the center of the screen and hitting the fire button, the enemies need your imagination to look good because they are less than impressive when they come up close.


The sound is how it should be, music at the start of the game and proper in game sound during play. The only gripe we had with it was the fact that it sounded very similar to Harrier Attack by Durrel and you couldn?t skip the intro screen until the music has ran through twice - very frustrating when you just want to play the game!


Gameplay is reasonable, your space craft moves like liquid and easily flows from top to bottom and left to right with ease and the control system is very easy to get used to. Like I mentioned earlier because of the lack of AI you can almost complete the game by keeping in the middle of the screen and putting your joystick on "Auto Fire", there isn?t much to do in the game itself and it quickly becomes boring and itches you to press the power button. It?s not a bad game but it?s not the best we?ve seen either.


Retro Gamer