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Copyright : MikroGen | Reviewed by : Corazon

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Cannisters of hazardous materials have been left strewn about in an abandoned mine inside a giant asteroid floating in orbit. They are fast becoming unstable! The humans have sent you, a disposal droid to safely remove the cannisters before they go critical and destroy the place!


Large chunky graphics help depict futurist layout of the game. Machinery lies strewn around the various levels along with large piles of rubble and debris, making for a convincing "Mine" setting. The droid itself is fairly well animated and gives the feeling that it is constantly rotating. The same cannot be said for the enemies inhabiting the game however, most of them consist of flat and bizarre shapes that vaguely resemble monsters with just a few frames of animation.


A catchy tune plays throughout the tile screen but ceases once play begins. Your droid emits a convincing "jet propelled" sound whenever it ascends and an appropriate sound accompanies your laser weapon. Aside from a few other minor blips, blops and blams that?s it for sound.


Each of the 8 levels are laid out in a small maze and are filled with puzzles. Each requiring a specific object to be interacted with. As more puzzles are solved, you can progress further and eventually one of the hazardous cannisters can be found and safely disposed of in a handy rubbish chute. To hinder this task however, you are given limited fuel. Whenever you use your thrust to move, you will spend precious fuel, there are refills scattered around the levels of course, but each and every one of them will be needed to complete the game successfully. To further hinder your progress, the levels are filled with ever-spawning alien monsters! They can be temperarily disposed of with your trusty laser, but don?t stop, they will soon respawn and be back on your tail. The gameplay is often fast and frantic and has you rushing to each objective, desperately trying to avoid the swarms of aliens intent on making you their munchies! All too often you will find avoiding them a hopeless task. With skill and dedication however, it is more than possible to make it through the game in one piece, and with the simple, enjoyable puzzles scattered through the levels, you will certainly find yourself turning back to the game for that one last try.


Retro Gamer