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Ikari Warriors

Copyright : Elite Systems Ltd | Reviewed by : Scooby1970

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Ikari Warriors was one of many vertically scrolling war-action games that were released on the CPC. The CPC version of the game was a little different to the other versions on the opening screens and music, but the game itself was a rock solid conversion of the arcade hit.


The game loads up with a great little loading screen, nice and colourful but a bit blocky, once loaded you get the key options which allows you to define the keys. This game is primarly a two player game, so you have to set up two sets of game keys before you get into the game.

The graphics are nice and colourful, more so than other versions, and as they use CPC Mode 0, they are a little chunky. That said, due to the great use of colour, the game actually looks rather nice.

The upwards scrolling of the game is quite smooth, and there is not too much slow-down when alot of things happen on screen at once. There are nice detail in all surrounding scenery, and the animation of the characters is great.


There is a dubious tune that plays on the menu?s screen, mimiking a war theme, and once in game, there is no tune at all. However, that is made up by with some great sound effects of bullets flying and bombs exploding. Simple but effective.


This game is a great blast, and the addition of a second player adds even more enjoyment to this game. Luckly enough, you are not just tied to running around with a gun, you can throw grenades and even jump into tanks. Jumping into tanks makes you invincible to bullets, but you can still get blown up by grenades, rockets and the mine-fields that are laiden around the place.

The game runs at a good speed, and there are plenty of baddies to shoot at. If there was only one criticism, it would be that your control method mean?s that you can only shoot in one of eight directions, which is hard work when there are aenemy soldiers running all over the screen.

The sound and the great graphics ensure that this game should find it?s way into every CPC owners hands. It was great during it?s day, and it is still fun to play today!


Retro Gamer