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Eidolon : The

Copyright : Lucasfilm Games | Reviewed by : Scooby1970

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Imagine playing this game back in 1985, you probably would not have seen any game like it. It was basically a maze game, where you had to collect colourful orbs and hunt down the dragons and destroy them. All this took place in an underworld of caverns, a totally realistic 3D environment, and at a fair pace to boot.


This game was released around 1985/86, so you would not ecpect to see graphics of this quality. The game screen takes up almost the entire CPC screen. The bottom half of which is your instrument panel, and the top half is the play area.

The game makes good use of Mode 0 graphics, and the play area sets you under a labrinth of caves. These caves are well drawn, and the game has an eery feel of playing an early version of the blood-thist-gore-fest Doom. The game is not as fast pace as Doom however, although you do move around at a fair pace, there are not as many enemies to kill.

The many enemies you do have to kill, usually Dragons or Orks are well designed, and have some great animation. When you encounter them, they cange colour depending on the colour of the orbs you throw at them, and the whole thing feels really polished.


A little ditty plays on the start screen, with a mystic quality about it, though it is nothing really special. The in-game effects are adequate and there?s a great feel to the effects that are used. The do the job perfectly.


This is a great game, which was well advanced for it?s day. Imagine a Doom environment with a slightly different game plan, and you have this game. It is quite addictive, yet the rooms play area can get rather samey after a while. You have use of a radar, which helps you throughout the game.

Overall it?s a much overlooked classic from Lucasfilm Games, and far better than it?s Indiana Jones games that it was to release.


Retro Gamer