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Copyright : First Star Software | Reviewed by : Scooby1970

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Boulderdash was a game I played to death on various formats, and one I have recently gone back too. The aim of the game is simple, you have to guide your little character around the screen, collecting the gems all within a certain time-limit. As you travel along your way, you dig up the dirt and leave pathways. If you tunnel under a rock, the force of gravity comes into play, and the rock falls. It sound?s simple, but some of the later levels are fiendishly difficult. The game as a whole is an addictive arcade puzzle game that still stands the test of time today.


The first thing you notice while playing Boulderdash (1-6 - all look exactly the same!!!!) is that the graphics are rather pleasing to the eye. The opening screen is nothing special, just the games title, and some text underneath explaining which control method you are using.

Once the game kicks in, the screens uses a nice technique to make it look like the game is scrolling/unfolding into shape, and then shows the play area, with the "earth", gems, rocks and of course your character. Your character is a really well animated "ant" like creature, which taps it?s food while not doing anything and runs around in quite an impressive way.

One things that stands is the scrolling on the game. The games play-area is bigger than the screen size, so the game scrolls to the next play area as you reach the side of the screen. The scrolling is VERY smooth for an Amstrad game, and does not (like some games) detract you from the game!


A little tune plays on the opening screen, a nice jolly bouncy little tune, but the in-game sound effects are just to a minimum. What little sound effects there are add to the games overall appeal.


This game is so damn easy to pick up and play, yet the learning curve of the levels goes from being realitivly easy to damn right impossible, which is a shame, but does not detract from an otherwise great game.

A true classic, with some great playability and graphics. One you can pick up and play for 10 minutes, or you can play for hours, and you still get alot of enjoyment... Even today it has stood the test of time!


Retro Gamer