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Tintin on the Moon

Copyright : Infogrames | Reviewed by : Patrick Furlong

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This game is based on Herge?s book Explorers on the Moon which sees the Belgian detective Tin-Tin with his dog Snowy and his friends - wisky drinking Captain Haddock and deaf Professor Calcalus along with the Professor?s colleage Woolf as they attempt to be the first people to walk on the moon. However, things start going wrong (as in the previous story Destination Moon) with sabotage and espionage but soon after the rocket takes off, they find the bumbling Thompson detectives decided to spend the night in the rocket, thinking it took off in the afternoon and later on the moon they find one of Tin-Tin?s old enemies Colonel Boris hiding in the rocket, who managed to get on there thanks to Woolf.

In the game, there are three levels although you play the first two levels three times. In the first level, you control the rocket as you avoid asteriods and collect fuel to be able to continue. In the second level, you control Tin-Tin as you try to rescue your friends and put out fires started by Colonel Boris. Also in this level, you can turn off the artificial gravity in order to float about. In the final level, you have to land on the moon.


This game came from Dave Perry and Nick Brunty and therefore the graphics are MODE 0 and very colourful. If you are a fan of the comic books of the Tin-Tin series, you will be able to reconise all the characters. Despite the amount of colour in the game, the speed is real quick.


I can?t comment on these at the moment because the sound control on my PC is playing up.


The game is rather easy to both play and get into. I found it very easy to get to the end of the game and I didn?t really want to play it again.

An intresting licence from Infogrames and my favourite CPC programming/graphics duo but I can?t really recommend it enough.


Retro Gamer