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Copyright : Amsoft | Reviewed by : Ritchardo

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This game has it all. Imagine every Invader, Alien, etc on screen at once, and you have to survive to destroy the master! He doesn?t appear until screen 10 and if you destroy him he will reappear stronger, faster and more powerful than ever. Simple controls, far from simple task.


Big, bright and colourful, Laserwarp?s mode 0 graphics fit the style of game perfectly and give the game a real arcade look and feel.

A wide variety of enemy craft will soon be descending upon you and each has a different design and movement pattern.

One major graphical problem is with the collision detection as it is really nowhere near as good as it should be. This badly affects the timing of your manoeuvres and makes some of them nigh on impossible. If anything the graphics may be a little too big as you are often caught in a tight situation, which might not be the case with smaller sprites.


Unfortunately the sound effects are very poor, restricted to pings and bangs? and not very good ones at that. No music either. Very disappointing.


An average shooter, Laserwarp would be a much better game to play were it not for the above mentioned graphical problems.

As with any space blaster though, it can offer some short-term light relief but it?s hard to maintain interest in a game that you cannot control absolutely, particularly when pixel perfect timing is required to strive and survive.

The last level is ridiculously difficult as well and will take a long time to perfect the problem being that getting there with enough lives intact to tackle it is tricky in the extreme.

Don?t get me wrong, Laserwarp is not the worst game of this genre or era but its certainly one of the most frustrating and if these problems had been recognised and ironed out, the overall game could?ve been much better. In that sense alone, Laserwarp is a real disappointment.


Retro Gamer