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Pang (Cartridge)

Copyright : Ocean Software | Reviewed by : Patrick Furlong

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One of Ocean?s cartridge games for the GX4000 and Plus machines sees a nice game with a simple plot. As one of two brothers, you have to travel around the world to destroy killer ballons. During the course of the game, you can pick up enhanced weapons to help in your fight, but the game gets tricker as you advance from level to level.


MODE0 graphics are used here to great effect. Everything is well detailed from the main character to the backdrops. Even the ballons are well detailed. All the colour is well used and your characters on the title and score screens are very detailed.


I wasn?t too keen on the sound effects, but the tunes are nice and catchy.


The game is tricky when you first play it, but as you get on with it, you start to really enjoy it.


Ocean has done very well here. I?d recommend this to anyone. Download now!


Retro Gamer