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Ninja Commando

Copyright : Zeppelin Games | Reviewed by : Ritchardo

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The master of the martial arts, the ninja, the highly trained exponent of the killer blow, is devastating enough but here deathstars, grenades, flames and machine guns make sure the acrobatic master is unstoppable.


Graphically, Ninja Commando is not too bad. The colours are vibrant enough and logical in their choice other than the ninja?s fiery red hair and green jumpsuit combo which makes him look like more like a Ninja Leprechaun than a Ninja Commando.

The ninja is fairly well animated and he runs in a convincing fashion. Likewise the rolling jump isn?t too bad, however the flying kick is feeble to say the least.


Deafening silence


Ninja Commando is hampered by the single key fact that our hero must be the only ninja unable to perform any kind of martial arts. At all. This means that to kill your opponents you must perform a flying kick to take them out. Timing of these kicks can be very difficult and more often than not leads to a loss of life and being hurled back half way through the level. If you kill enough opponents though, you are soon granted a projectile weapon and this certainly makes things easier as you hack and gun down your defenceless enemies (morally responsible it ain?t!)

Not the most satisfying of games, the initial frustrations of being unable to progress will probably prevent most from continuing on into what is a fairly average run and jump platform game.


Retro Gamer