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Wonder boy

Copyright : Sega | Reviewed by : Patrick Furlong

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This game by Activision is based on a Sega coin-op. In here, you play a young boy who has to rescue his girlfriend from monsters by going through lots of nice looking levels.


A mixture of MODE 1 and MODE 0 graphics. While not having the best detail in the world, the graphics in Wonderboy are nice and serve their purpose very well. Everything in the game is well displayed.


Poor sound effects, but the game has a theme which plays throughout the entire game. This track is a nice one and is worth a listen.


Very easy to get into and you do want to play it again and again. One nice touch is that your energy bar doubles as your time limit and collecting fruit and stuff increases it. Also in certain parts you can get a skateboard to speed up, an axe to destroy the cute looking enemies or a fairy to make you invincible.


A game mainly aimed at kids, but it is a good game and has held it?s appeal to me since 1989. Download at once!


Retro Gamer