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Emlyn Hughes International Soccer

Copyright : Audiogenic | Reviewed by : Ritchardo

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Endorsed by the squeaky voiced former Liverpool player and Question of Sport team captain, Audiogenic?s International Soccer won rave reviews and plaudits for it?s revolutionary gameplay. Fifteen years later and Emlyn still gets the nod in the starting line-up of all time great footy games.


The chunky players do look quite dated now and they?re nowhere near as neatly drawn as some of its peers like Matchday II but they are fairly clearly designed and it?s certainly simple enough to work out what direction you?re going in. The shadow of the ball - used to time headers and runs - is very well done, increasing and decreasing in size to indicate height. The spin of the ball is also impressive and gives the game an added edge of speed and control.

The game also features the ability to change skin colour, which I believe may have been a first and a pleasing array of different coloured shirts and pitches.


Sound is limited to the shrill sound of the referee?s whistle and the occasional crowd chant. You can also hear the sound of the ball being kicked as you run from one end of the park to the other. The sparse sound actually works quite well with the crowd making all the right noises when the ball?s being picked out of the back of the net.


Simply stunning for it?s day. The introduction of now standard features like players having to turn gradually or face loosing momentum really makes this game stand out from the crowd. The ball control is fantastic and was the first game to give the player the opportunity to play through balls and spot runs from the computer controlled players. The AI is excellent and difficulty is pitched just right for beginners and those more used to the old-fashioned kick and rush style of game.

Players can deliver high balls or low rifled shots along the ground in any one of a myriad of directions making us all potential David Beckhams as we aim to deliver the perfect cross.

Emlyn Hughes? International Soccer is quite simply one of the finest football games ever to grace any platform and should be an essential part of any Amstrad and footballing fan.


Retro Gamer