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Elevator Action

Copyright : Taito | Reviewed by : Ritchardo

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You are Agent 17 - codename: "Otto". Your mission is to secure all top-secret documents from a 30-floor security building filled with elevators and escape in a getaway car waiting in the garage at the very bottom of the building. Enemies appear from behind doorways, but you can shoot, kick, drop lights on them or even crush them with the elevator you are in!


Nice chunky characters make that stand out well against the colour scheme, giving an almost comic book, cartoony feel. The background colour changes so that you can easily identify which level you are on although they are fairly garish to say the least. The enemy agents are fairly well animated and their look of shock when you shoot them is nice, as is the frantic struggle as you squash them into the roof or ground on your elevator. Otto looks ridiculous however when shot? quite why his blonde quaff should stand on end is never made clear!


Nice catchy tune continues from the title screen into the game. No sound effects however, a real pity as there was plenty of scope to add some nice over the top squishes and bangs that would have added to the atmosphere.


I really enjoyed Elevator Action when I was younger and was compelled to have another go. I still return to it occasionally I do, however, have to admit that it can become very frustrating. Enemy spies are more intelligent than you: they have the ability to lie on the ground and thus avoid low-fired bullets, something that the player cannot do. Likewise, enemy agents can shoot you while on an elevator whereas your bullets just fly harmless out to the sides this in particular can become very irritating. Another drawback is that play soon becomes highly repetitive and after ten minutes of solid playing you probably wont touch it again for another few months.

Sadly this conversion did not live up to the arcade version and is a bit of a letdown but is still enjoyable in the short term.


Retro Gamer