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Copyright : Central Solutions | Reviewed by : Ritchardo

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Protect the Earth from invading aliens and their marauding firebombs. You are the last thing standing between salvation and the dark.


Although colourful, the graphics are the very definition of basic. The enemy ships flicker and bounce around the screen in a very unconvincing fashion that is, as far as I can make out, a random moving pattern.

All of the â??actionâ?? takes place on one single screen that never changes in appearance or layout and there is absolutely no sense of scale as you are almost the same size as the cities you are trying to protect and the overall presentation looks very cheap and tacky.

The one saving grace on the graphical side of things is the explosions, which are very nicely done, this is not worth recommending the game alone for.


Some basic ping noises and the odd crack of an explosion. No worse than the graphics or the gameplay. No better either though.


Barchou is that rarest of things. A game that nobody, absolutely nobody likes. In fact, not only does nobody like it, most people hate it. If youâ??ve never played it then consider yourself one of the lucky ones but this game has never got a good review ever. Donâ??t expect this to change here.

For what itâ??s worth the gameplay is dire. Fly around the screen shooting some indistinguishable aliens and erâ?¦ thatâ??s it. Nothing different to look at, nothing different to do. Rubbish.

Bizarrely, to stop the alien bombing attacks you have to fly into the firebombsâ?¦ erm.. this does no damage to youâ?¦ I donâ??t know why and I care even lessâ?¦

This is one of the worst games released for the CPC with barely a single redeemable feature. Cross the street to avoid this pile of horse manure.


Retro Gamer