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World Soccer

Copyright : Zeppelin Games | Reviewed by : Ritchardo

Click to zoom Click to zoom Click to zoom Click to zoom Click to zoom Click to zoom

Take control of one of one of the greatest 60 clubs in the world and lead them from the third division up to the giddy heights of the top league and see them crowned World Club Champions.


As with all football management games, Zeppelin is severely limited with what they can actually do to make World Soccer look graphically attractive. Having said that they have a damn good go by creating a graphical menu as your base screen which the user has to negotiate and select which option they want by pointing and clicking. Although far from unique nowadays, this was one of the earlier steps towards this type of control method. The menu is bright and well designed. Certainly user-friendly.




Sadly, despite the efforts put in to making the game look good, World Soccer just doesnâ??t cut it as a management game. While itâ??s fair enough that you start off with a team full of poor players, you should at least be able to change things a lot quicker than one a week (your scout will make one recommendation a week and the position offered tends to be random rather than what he recommends that you need to concentrate on). Gameplay boils down to selecting your players (fairly simple given they only have three stats to choose from and one of them is ability!) and picking the right tactics for your opponents. The game gives no indication of what your opponentsâ?? tactics are so you will find yourself on the end of a 5-0 drubbing at half time on a regular basis!

Another minor glitch but one I found extremely annoying is the number of spelling mistakes littered throughout the game. In a game that relies heavily on text the programmers should ensure that the spelling is as close to perfect as possible but in this game even well known clubs like Juventus and Nantes are spelt incorrectly â?? this smacks of extremely lazy coding.

Overall World Soccer has little to recommend it other than its position as an original point and click management game.


Retro Gamer