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Way of the Exploding Fist

Copyright : Melbourne House | Reviewed by : Ritchardo

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The Way of the Exploding Fist is a karate simulation game, and is controlled entirely from the keyboard or joystick.

Although it may take a while to become completely familiar with the various moves, you should be able to start playing almost immediately without learning any of the moves.

The first ever AA Mastergame, does The Way of the Exploding Fist still have the same impact as it did on its release?


All of the action takes place on the same screen. Two warriors, one dressed in white, the other entirely in blue face off in front of a pagoda style temple with only your sensei looking on to act as occasional judge.

The animation of the fighters is absolutely superb with realistic inertia and movements. Each fighting manoeuvre results in different motions and movements from the combatants and the look of pain as a fallen foe doubles over in agony gives the game another sense of realism.

Graphically, the only fault I can find is the fact that the backgrounds do not change (although another version released as â??Way of the Exploding Fist +â?? has additional backgrounds) and the slightly blocky appearance of the fighters.


An authentic tune plays at the end of each fall, which is nice and catchy if a little short. The in-game sound effects are a little poor though and are a bit of a disappointment when you consider the hard work that has gone into the rest of the game.


Without â??The Way of the Exploding Fistâ?? there would have been no Street Fighters, Mortal Kombats, SNK v Capcom or any other 2D fighter youâ??d care to mention.

An absolute joy to play, Fist looks like an average old fashioned karate game until you give it a go. Youâ??ll find yourself being drawn in by gameplay that is easy to get to grips with but that rewards players who take the time to perfect their moves and put together attacking techniques. Itâ??s a real thinking manâ??s beat-em-up.

In one-player mode the challenge is to reach 10th Dan by taking out the computer opponent who gets progressively more and more difficult to beat. Having said that though, even complete amateurs can progress through sheer determination and the odd lucky punch.

With a competitive two-player mode that resorts to pure old fashioned one on one combat, The Way of the Exploding Fist still stands the test of time as a good beat-em-up. Itâ??s not the cutting edge classic that it was at the time, instead itâ??s a look at the origins of a genre that was once the biggest in gaming and still has an intense cult following.


Retro Gamer