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Tag Team Wrestling

Copyright : Zeppelin Games | Reviewed by : Ritchardo

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Brought out to cash in on the success of Oceanâ??s WWF Wrestlemania and the wrestling phenomenon as a whole, Tag Team Wrestling (or American Tag Team Wrestling according to the cover and press reviews) is a knock down, drag out affair pitching you against a variety of computer opponents or a mate.


Although being blocky, the wrestlers are easily distinguishable thanks to their different coloured trunks. Sadly there is no variety in the detail so that despite which of the nicely designed characters you choose, you get the same looking guys in the ring. Things are a bit blocky but you can still work out what the wrestlers are doing to each other.


No music and a fairly poor set of sound effects are all you get. The usual thwack and crunch type noises. Not good.


I remember playing this game to death as a kid (I was a big wrestling fan) and looking at it now I canâ??t imagine why. Dull and repetititve, the game has only a handful of basic moves to itâ??s name and there is nothing in the way of tactics.

The computer opponents are almost cowards as you have to chase them up and down the ring â?? fair enough in the odd match I suppose but every single time?

Within a few goes of mastering the controls, youâ??ll develop a technique that makes you unbeatable although why you would want to, Iâ??m not entirely sureâ?¦

All in all Tag Team Wrestling is a very simplistic game with no depth at all. Itâ??s failed to age at all well and thereâ??s little here to recommend or even discuss.


Retro Gamer