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Santas Christmas Capers

Copyright : Zeppelin Games | Reviewed by : Ritchardo

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And now we come to the real turd in the Zeppelin collection. Gather round boys and girls while Uncle Ritchardo tells a tale of Christmas Past and embarks upon the horror of Santa\'s Christmas Capers


Before I go any further, scroll down the screen and look at the screenshots. You see the reindeer pulling the little red box? That\'s you that is. See the giant beachballs and the flying sink plungers? Need to avoid them you do. Well, actually don\'t. Just crash into the crappy, blocky, pixellated things because that\'s as good as it\'s going to get. I have nothing positive to say about the graphics at all EXCEPT maybe the firstend of level guardian, The Giant Snowman, isn\'t too bad... until you realise he\'s shooting fireballs at you. Yes, a fire ball wielding Snowman. Don\'t remember the verse about Frosty the Snowman being armed with lumps of molten lava but there you go.


Of course, by discussing the graphics this implies that you\'ve already forgone the horror of the into music. We Wish You A Merry Christmas as interpreted by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra or rather synthysised by someone who doesn\'t know the tune. Perhaps it\'s a sub game - count the bum notes?


I can forgive poor graphics, I can forgive terrible renditions of Yuletide favourites. I can\'t forgive someone passing off a game where you have to dodge a sink plunger firing beach ball and some bouncing penguins as entertainment. I don\'t even think they\'re trying to be wacky and out there. It\'s just cack. The difficulty level is absurdly high as well, just to really make you want to chuck in the towel.

This game has no redeeming features whatsoever. Tell Santa to stick his presents where the sun doesn\'t shine!


Retro Gamer