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Phileas Foggs Balloon Battles

Copyright : Zeppelin Games | Reviewed by : Ritchardo

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Phileas Fogg, the world renowned traveller and explorer, has volunteered for a dangerous and daring mission.

Phileas Foggâ??s Balloon Battles takes you on a breathtaking journey through a field of war in 1871. Above you is a balloon filled with one of the most explosive substances known to man, hydrogen. Phileas Foggâ??s Baloon Battles is no leisurely cruise around the atmosphere, but a fast paced roller coaster kind of ride with instant death only one misjudgement away.


The graphics are not bad by any stretch of the imagination. Everything is fairly clear and obvious.

The game is bright, cheery and colourful. The only major gripe I have with the visuals is that there is no real sense of motion in the game â?? the balloon is the same sprite regardless of whether it is moving or stationary.

The fact that all the soldiers appear to have rickets judging by the way they walk is a slight worry too!


The only sounds you get are the noise from your dropping bombs and the explosion of your balloon


Philieas Fogg is an extremely frustrating game. Despite looking up the instructions on World of Spectrum, I was still at a loss as to what I was supposed to do. You appear to blow about aimlessly with the wind dragging you over the same bits again and again while you drop bombs.

The control method is confusing to say the least and the lack of any clearly defined target will leave you hanging about until you are inevitable blown up.

Add to this that the main character appears to have been tacked on as an afterthought (really, what does a guy who travelled around the world have to do with bombing villages â?? itâ??s like Sherlock Holmes piloting an Apache in Vietnamâ?¦) and you are left with a decidedly poor game.


Retro Gamer