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Las Vegas Casino

Copyright : Zeppelin Games | Reviewed by : Ritchardo

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Starting off with a paltry £250, the aim of the game is to break the bank by scooping $50,000 with a combination of black jack, baccarat, craps and roulette. Itâ??s not going to be easy though â?? the odds are always stacked in favour of the house.


The graphics in this title are far from cutting edge. While it could be argued that for a casino game which consists of four betting games doesnâ??t need much in the way of graphics you need only look at Codemastersâ?? Monte Carlo Casino for inspiration.

Of the four games, Blackjack looks the smartest but when you consider that this is the main game rather than a sub-gameit doesnâ??t cut the mustard.

In fairness, the screen that comes up if you blow all your money is quite a nice drawing and is worth a mark or two on itâ??s own.


Echo to the sound of silence, as Simon and Garfunkel once said.


The four games are very simple in terms of picking up as you go along. Of the four only Blackjack involves any real skill and even then it all comes down to the luck of the draw.

The game is repetitive and the way you choose your stake is plain weird. Rather than typing in a figure you have to manually move your chips up dependant on how much you want to bet.

Thereâ??s very little here to bring you back and there are certainly other, better, casino games out there for you to spend your fictional money on!


Retro Gamer