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Copyright : Lankhor | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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Based on a true story a team of footballers are fling over to their next football game when the plane they are travelling in runs into a serious problem and after splitting into several sections when colliding with the mountains it crash lands in the North Pole with barely any food or drink on board.

It?s a story of survival in extreme circumstances and once that quickly leads to death and cannibalism.


It strikes me as odd that any serious game developer would program a game based around the tragic events dramatized in the movie Alive but hey I suppose someone has to do it. Unlike some other text based adventures released on the CPC Alive is full of in-game illustrations that are fairly detailed and well coloured, though some might argue the colours are few and far between you should think of the location the game is set in first. Other than text written in a strange language we don?t understand plus a few buttons around the display tha?ts just about everything.


As for sound, Alive is pretty quiet after the introduction theme. Though the title music is pretty good the game falls on death ears later as only a few bleeps can be heard in even the most dramatic scenes of the game.


Because the game isn?t written in English the chances of most CPC gamers wanting to give the game a try is pretty slim as you won?t be able to understand a word of text in the game. It certainly looks a lot more entertaining than some of the other text adventures with a fair amount of detail and atmospheric graphics so providing you can speak the lingo it might well be worth checking out.


Retro Gamer