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Crazy Cars

Copyright : Titus Software | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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Crazy Cars by Titus Software was a much talked about game during my School years so I rushed to pick up a copy for the CPC. Its just another racing game in which you speed up roads trying to get to the next checkpoint, on reaching the next stage your car becomes faster and better but as we will see in our review...its not all good.


Titus Software to this very day do not have a good reputation with the CPC Zone team and after revisiting this game recently I think we discovered why we have such a low opinion of the software house.

Crazy Cars offers some of the most basic graphics we have seen in a racing title, colours are very limited, the so-called racing cars look like second hand Datsuns and if cars turned around corners like that I think we would all be dead by now.

Another strange thing about this game is that there is absolutely no traffic on the road for 90% of the game, nothing to race or compete against and nothing to smash your car into. This doesn?t do a great deal for the gameplay.


Sound is again very basic, there is no introduction music or even an options screen to use it on and in-game sounds are again limited to the sound of the engine and a "wahwahwah-wah" sound when you hit the next stage.


Now as we mentioned earlier this is a racing game but there is nothing to race against for 90% of the game, all you have to do is drive and turn the corners in a very strange fashion.

Because of the lack of traffic the game soon becomes very boring and it wont be long before you hit the reset keys and put your tape back in its case.

If you are thinking the sequel will be better, well in some ways you?re right but again Titus diddle us out of our cash and laugh all the way to the bank.



Retro Gamer