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Combat School

Copyright : Ocean Software | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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Welcome to Combat School cadet! you must pass each and every one of the following tests if you want to make that promotion - do you hear me boy? you will pass: the obstacle course, firing range 1, the iron man race, firing range 2, ram wrestling, firing range 3 followed by the big one...a fight with me - your instructor.

Now get to it!!


Combat School was one of those games I saw in the local store and didn?t think anything of it. Until I had nothing else to spend £12.99 on and purchased a copy, wow! was my reaction.

This game looks amazing for 8-bit hardware with some of the best colours and animation I have ever seen, take a look at the screen grabs below to convince yourselves of the genious that is Konami. Our hero is very well drawn and animated on each of the 7 events along with some of the most detailed backgrounds we have ever seen in the game of this genre.

Trust us guys, this game realy looks as good as the screen grabs below demonstrate and with no bugs in the graphics it simply is a winner.


Sound is on top form once again, as is the norm for almost anything released by Ocean Software. We are treated to some great army style music at the front of the game which leads to even more music and great sound effects during your participation in the seven events, there is simply no shortage of goodies in this game. Very well done indeedy.


If you loved Daley Thompsons Decathlon then this is one to add to your collection right now! the rules are out of the window and the events are brutal, not even Daley could survive this test.

The controls are much the same as your Daley Thompson games, waggle the joystick and hit the fire button during the running events and aim at the target during the shooting ranges. This is one game that has never lost its replay value and easily passes the test of time.

Grab it, play it and enjoy it.


Retro Gamer