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Copyright : Loriciels | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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Another non-English games gets a good look in at CPC Zone. Not to be confused with the Ocean Software movie license of the film with the same name this is Loriciels Cobra which sees you shooting the living daylights out of nasty female (don?t ask why) robots while attempting to get the hell out of there in one piece, controlling two characters and armed with a powerful laser it?s not going to be easy.


Loriciels Cobra is very well presented indeed with some great and vivid use of colour on offer throughout the various "rooms" in the game not to mention enough enemies to blow to pieces to keep even the most die-hard shoot-em-up fan happy for a good amount of time. The game also plays at a superb speed and only ever shows signs of slow down when you reach the end of the playing area, this is certainly not a big problem and does not lower your chances of enjoying this title.

As with a lot of Loriciels titles reviewed so far at CPC Zone this has to be one of the good ones, the detail is second to none. Very well done.


Again we are cheated on the music side of things and thrown almost instantly into the game itself. Once in the game however the soundtrack is pretty active with a good range of explosions and gun shot sounds, nothing over the top but certainly enough to keep you interested during your time on the game. Good stuff.


While we do not have the original story for the game and we do not speak or read French language the game certainly appears to be very playable indeed. It is more than just your average shooter because you control two characters at once, if one is trapped behind a wall or another object then you are left on your own to beat the baddies so this of course has to be avoided and some skill is needed.

It doesn?t appear to be overly difficult and we believe almost any age group can pick it up and have a good old bash on the title. The control system is very simple and with hardly any bugs in the game it remains very playable.

This is certainly one to try out.


Retro Gamer