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Classic Muncher

Copyright : Bubble Bus Software | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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Bubble Bus are at it once again, released as part of an arcade 4 pack the team brought us clones of Space Invaders, Axiens and now they bring us the first clone of Pacman. I don?t think the game of Pacman needs an introduction, those that do not know this game don?t belong in the emulation scene to be honest!


Classic Muncher looks pretty much like your average game of Pacman with each screen presenting a different layout for the little yellow fellow to run around in while popping those power pills but you can?t help but feel that things are a little chunkier than you would expect them to be.

There aren?t many Pacman titles on the CPC that this one can be compared against but seeing the strength put in other games by the same developer it looks like this one was left until last. Don?t get us wrong the game looks great but it is a little on the large side, there are no bugs in the game however (well none that would stop you from enjoying it).


Sound is in the classic Bubble Bus standard, we are introduced with a familiar piece of music and the customary Bubble Bus software logo which then moves on to your average power pill popping Pacman sound effects. It does stay faithful to the original arcade so not many bad things can be said about it, however there are noticable sounds missing such as the death noise when Pacman is eaten by one of those ghosty efforts.


Classic Muncher is a great Pacman clone, sure it might look a little on the chunky side but the idea of the game is much the same as the coin op and it plays with ease.

It?s just one of those simple arcade games that instantly gets you hooked to the simplicity of the gameplay and the retro feeling it gives off. It might not be as easy as some other Pacman titles around the world but it is certainly worth playing more than once.

Again this is a highly recommended arcade conversion despite the chunky layout.


Retro Gamer