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Copyright : Elite Systems Ltd | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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Another TV Show gets the computer game make over this time by Elite. Airwolf is a high tech modified helicopter with firepower that could put a tank, mig and submarine to shame.

The story is that Stringfellow Hawk?s brother has been kidnapped by some government agency and that he has been declared M.I.A on the official records, in order to get his brother back Stringfellow steals the high-tech helicopter and uses it to do good, save humanity etc - you know how these things work by now.

But has the cross-over been a good one or a very bad move by the developers to try and bring in the fans of the TV show and make a bucket load of money - read on and judge for yourselves.


If you have ever played the Airwolf arcade unit or emulated it via MAME then you will soon realise that this version of the game is absolutely nothing like the coin-op. The graphics are basic at best although the colours are bright and cheerful.

Elite certainly have not done their best with this game and simply rushed out a title with a license to back it up, why? so that people like you and me will go out to the shops see a big helicopter with the words Airwolf underneath and say - ooh I must have that game.


I feel sorry for anyone who went out and purchased the full price release and I?m personally glad that I only paid the budget price of £2.99 for my copy. The sound is pretty good with a computerised version of the Airwolf soundtrack to bop along to while playing the game although due to bad game design and controls you won?t be alive long to appreciate the music.


Airwolf is always trying to commit suicide by falling to the ground or into the nearest wall so you have to keep it above ground and away from the walls whilst blasting anything coming at you, certainly not an easy task and most definitely not an easy game. The controls are awful, if Elite had spent time on a better control system then perhaps the game would be at least playable but alas it?s not. A prime example of a license gone wrong.


Retro Gamer