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City Slicker

Copyright : Hewson | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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City Slicker is the latest adventure from the man who brought you Technician Ted and features brand new gaming specifications such as unique room flipping, complex terrain walking and pixel perfect collision detection.

Are you a City Slicker? there is only one way to find out.


Now here is a game that after looking at the cover art I never would have thought would be a platform adventure in much the same style as the Jet Set Willy series and a cross over of the infamous Oliver Twins classic "Dizzy".

Like the Dizzy series colours are kept to a fairly basic level while the detail of each room is very high, the difference between City Slicker 1 and City Slicker 2 alone shows the level of detail gone into the development of the game (see the screen grabs below). There are a few minor problems though as we see the old problem with invisible sprite elements that often lead to a hollow looking character or objects, luckily this is very rare in this title but still evident.


Sound is a bit of a let down, we don?t get any funky music at the start of the game and the sounds we do get to hear during gameplay range from a simple bleep to a tiny effect. It could have been so much better than this but sadly is wasn?t to be, shame on you Hewson!


If you like your platform adventures and want to get away from the run of the mill Codemaster titles then this is the best way to do just that and you should feel right at home with the gameplay.

Think of a game that crosses elements of Jet Set Willy by Software Projects, Dizzy by the Oliver Twins and of course Hi-Tec?s Spy Vs Spy and you will have an almost perfect picture of how this title works and plays.

In our eyes at least, this is one worth checking out.


Retro Gamer