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20000 Avant JC

Copyright : Chip | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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20,000 Avant J.C is a time travel caper in which a modern 1980s character has been taken back to the Prehistoric age were giant fish, nasty cavemen and burning fires are common place.
As this game is written and distributed in a whole other language we can?t give you any actual story details for this one but it certainly isn?t bad in terms of graphics, the only way to find out about this game is read our review below.


20000 Avant JC is a platform adventure game that stands out from some of the more well known titles due to it?s great colours and pretty neat looking graphics.
In game characters, backgrounds and items have been drawn very well and the colours of the CPC have been used to a great level (unlike many games that only use around 08 colours). However the game does become a bit of a let down when our character walks behind certain high-colour backgrounds, unlike some games the character doesn?t merge with the background he actually disappears and gets replaced with some chunky blocks. This is only a slight bug as once you walk onto a darker background (most of the game) the character comes back.


Sound is pretty poor, there are no in-game sound effects at all but we are treated to a music track which dubs the entire game. The music on the start/options screen is enough to make you want to switch off your CPC but the music in the game itself is much better and gets you bopping along. As with many games that choose this path the music becomes a little annoying after the 3rd or 4th time and you will be reaching for the volume control.


Gameplay is again a let down, with the character disappearing off screen every now and again and the awful control system the game is almost unplayable even if it does look nice. Here is a tip from your friendly CPC Zone staff, do not fall off the platforms, it can be trouble than it?s worth trying to get back on again as the main character can only jump about 50mm off the ground. All in all the game doesn?t look bad but it certainly makes up for it with the poor gameplay and sound, worth trying if you?re a collector of classics but otherwise not worth the tape it was recorded on.


Retro Gamer