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Chubby Gristle

Copyright : Teque | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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There is something about the cover art for Chubby Gristle that, each time I entered my local software store would say (you have to play me) but each time I just left it on the shelf. Having recently been given the opportunity to play the game on a real life CPC 464 via the TV modulator I can now give you some insight into how the game looks, sounds and we go.


Chubby Gristle is very similar to the classics that are Jet Set Willy and of course by the same developers, Manic Miner. What makes the game stand out from other JSW clones is that you can now move objects about the screen, so you could push a vehicle that is parked incorrectly into a more suitable location.

On top of this the graphics and colours have been majorly improved. Without a doubt there is some evident good use of the CPC colours in each and every "room" that you wander in and out of, the various enemies are very well thought out and animated so that each one has his/her own personality.

Many of the tiny bugs from JSW and Manic Miner have also been pretty much removed from Chubby, notice how you are still very visible on the ladder in screen grab 2, nicely done indeed.


We are presented with not only a very well animated title shot as the coloured characters move to form the words "Chubby Gristle" but we are also given a very nice piece of music to listen to on the way. Sadly it gets more than a little annoying as your play the game for longer and longer, with no actual sounds to dilute the music it won?t be long before you turn it down and continue playing without it. Not bad but as is the case with many games that force music upon you, it loops forever and easily gets annoying.


You control the little chubby traffic warden turned cop in this crazy little town and must stop the various violations of law without getting yourself in too much trouble. The control system is almost exactly the same as the JSW clones that came before and indeed after it with the only difference being the ability to move objects, to do this you simply walk into them and push left or right.

Fans of JSW should seriously give this one a go as we feel it offers almost everything the "daddy" had but with little improvements here and there. Obviously this won?t be the opinion of every reader at CPC Zone but we strongly recommend you give this one a try.

Very well done Teque!


Retro Gamer