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Chips Challenge

Copyright : Epyx | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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Chip desperately wants to join Melinda?s exclusive Bit Busters Computer Club, and he?s ecstatic when she offers him membership! But there?s a catch - before Chip can become a card-carrying Bit-Buster, he must complete Melindas Challenge!


Chips Challenge is one of those puzzle games the looks pretty much the same on every machine it has ever been released on. Even the reference quality Atari ST version which is used on the back of the full price Amstrad CPC cover looks fairly similar to the version you get in the box.

The levels have been ported to the Amstrad in 100% accuracy and with absolutely superb use of the CPC colour system. Our hero looks a little different on the Amstrad CPC than in other versions but it isn?t something that will make you want to switch off and there is a definite resemblance of the other versions. Puzzle games don?t usualy offer much in terms of graphics to the games player, well at least puzzles from this era didn?t but Chips Challenge is very good looking and is a great conversion by the staff at Epyx.


Sound is again on top converted form with the musical wizardry of Dave Whittacker sitting behind the helm and ensuring good quality music and sound throughout the gameplay. On the other hand if you are distracted by music then this game is one of those that should have a high annoyance rating, simply because the in-game music loops about 10-20 times before you complete either of the levels and certainly can be distracted.


The object of the game is to complete the 100+ levels and collect the keys behind each of the many coloured doors using the correct keys, of course it?s not quite that simple once the cyber nasties begin to surface.

This is one of the first puzzle games that I ever played and I must admit it certainly was great fun, having played the game again very recently our opinion overall hasn?t changed very much and the game still comes highly rated. Epyx did a wonderful job on the conversion of this CPC title and it certainly deserves a spot on your collection.


Retro Gamer