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Copyright : Mastertronic | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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Not to be confused with the arcade game of the same title, this is a platform game published by the mighty Mastertronic. The cover art to this title always made me think of Michael Jacksons Thriller music video, maybe because the guy on the cover was as white as Michael himself or maybe its the environment but this alone made me purchase the game just out of curiosity. Set in a creepy world of nasty people armed with knives, giant spiders and more you must tackle them all and collect the objects in this action platformer from Mastetronic.


Well I can tell you that the first time I played this game was on a Commodore 64 (lots of people shouting booo! at the screen right now) and it didn?t impress me that much in terms of graphics. The CPC version is much the same as the C64, colours are varied and there are plenty on offer but in total it all looks a little dull and lifeless.

Sure I can hear people saying already that the game is meant to be dark because of its environment, fair enough but it is often a little too dark and the blend of colours isn?t the best as our hero often blends into the background. Animation could be better too, when we jump to the left or the right of the screen the little guy jumps further than an Athlete on steroids and often misses the mark by an annoying distance.


At first the sound is quite promising with an excellent theme song to kick things off but once you hit the fire button to start the game you?ll notice things fall flat on the ground. The annoying sound that is made when you jump from platform to platform is enough to make you want to either switch the sound off entirely or reboot the machine. I think we all know this could be better.


Gameplay is pretty limited and without any kind of trainer or cheat it?s not that easy either. You simply jump about the various levels collecting items and avoiding the giant spiders and senile old women with great big carving knives, sounds simple enough but the controls need some improvement and it isn?t very friendly to most gamers.

While there are plenty of people who would say the opposite about Chiller we would say that is probably isn?t worth the webspace it is stored on. Try once just to be sure but I?m almost positive you will come back with the same feelings as us.


Retro Gamer