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Untouchables : The

Copyright : Ocean Software | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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Untouchables is without a doubt in my mind one of the worst gangster movies ever to be made, come on James Bond star Sean Connery was in it, as a bad guy!

Set in the past the world is at war with one another, run by the MAFIA and independant organisations each one is after each other to become the best, greatest and untouchable gangsters in the world, to become...The Untouchables.

This game didn?t recieve any monster review to my knowledge, it was coded by Ocean Software on yet another movie licensed label. The only reason this game sold is probably due to the large audiences that watched the movie at the cinemas and on home movie, those that actually liked the movie and I doubt that many people did.

Enough tongue lashing...on with the review.


You know how all gangster movies go, violence from start to finish but in most cases with a half decent storyline in the middle - Joe Pesci would never have starred in the movie and if it was released today I very much doubt it would get further than the review board.

The graphics are well drawn on all levels of the game, colour on the other hand is not so impressive. Ocean decided to pick a colour out of those available to them and use that colour for the bulk of the level design. The gangsters are very funny indeed and your character can sometimes become lost in the blue and black background (click a screenshot to see what I mean). At the time of release this game could have been made a lot better as many games that came before it, even the piss poor movie licenses had better colour than this game.


Sound is okay, you get to hear your gun blasting as you shoot the bad guys and hear your energy fall as your are ambushed time after time. The music is very good however as Ocean have placed a cool theme at the start of the game and plenty of gangster like music throughout the levels, you also have the option to disable the music from the start/options screen which is always handy if you can?t concentrate.


Gameplay is another pitfall for this game, on the first level of the game you have to chase sinister looking characters (the kind that hang around parks in a large rain coat) and keep shooting them to collect the incriminating evidence against you. With only 5 minutes to find, shoot and collect ten pieces of evidence and avoid the other gangsters it?s a little hard and frustrating. The second level takes an Operation Wolf/Metal Gear Solid approach in which you must dive around the corner and shoot the police before you get arrested, it?s not easy on any level and the only real good thing about the game is the sound - probably worth skipping.


Retro Gamer