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Copyright : Sega | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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As if this game needs any introduction in the emulation world, let alone the gaming world. Anyway Afterburner was one of the most successful arcade games of the 1990s and was developed and released by the mighty Sega.

You are in the middle of a dog fight and must shoot down anything and everything that moves or attempts to attack you, armed with homing missiles and laser anti-aircraft fire this is one of the most enjoyable shoot-em-ups in years. Okay the idea behind the game sounds pretty basic and I suppose it is but we are talking about one of the best arcade board manufacturers in the world and they wouldn?t let us down...would they?

Find out in our review of the CPC conversion of Afterburner.


Although not as compelling as the original due to the lack of a hydrolic powered arcade seat and stick the game does convert quite well and keeps fans of the game very happy indeed. As soon as this game was released I rushed to the store picked up a copy of the game and a Quickshot FlightStick to kind of get the arcade feel at home.

Once the game had finally loaded I was amazed at how good the conversion was, okay we were all easy to please back in the early 90?s when this was the best you could get for less than £300 but it was great fun. The graphics are awesome though a little small on screen and some colours have been over used such as the different shades of blue, those with a keen eye for detail will also notice that there are no clouds in the sky - a very clear day or just lazy? you decide.


The music game across quite well although it could have been better, the sound isn?t over the top which is something I missed from the extra loud arcade speakers that sat like headphones on the left and right hand side of your head rest.


As for gameplay, the conversion has still got it - remember you have been given the chance to play that monster arcade game in your bedroom and small things such as the lack of clouds can easily be overlooked. The controls are great and your ship moves from left to right fluidly which makes the game that little bit easier. All in all Sega has done a great job in converting the much loved arcade onto a much loved machine.


Retro Gamer