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Roland In Time

Copyright : Amsoft | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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Amsoft go nuts again with another wacky release of the Roland series, this time he is able to travel back in time via a telephone booth and has a familar soundtrack at the opening screen....guess what TV series inspired this little game.

The game itself looks vaguely familiar to Jet Set Willy by Software Creations and certainly has the same type of crazy happenings on screen, the various platforms are scattered with nasties and you need to clear them all in order to get all the crystals. The ingenious thing about this game is that you can use the telephone booth to jump to another screen (should one be hard or impossible) which proves very useful to your average player.

Roland In Time is certainly another classic title by the genious who were Gem Software and was developed way back in 1984 but what do we think of the graphics, sound and on.


I do hope that some of you have at least seen the Jet Set Willy titles by Software Projects as this certainly sets the standard that this game follows. The graphics are again well drawn when considering that it was released in 1984 and the use of available colours is also great, users with a green screen may think differently though as they tend to bleed due to the incompatibility of colour to green - come on even Black and white televisions struggle under todays standards.


The sound is also pretty good, the stand out moments are the theme from Dr Who which starts the game off and the time travel screens. There is plenty of in-game noise also so if you are looking for plenty of bounces, bangs and wollops then this game has it all.


As for gameplay well providing you can jump over tiny gaps and avoid being hit by nasties (using very accurate timing) then you should be able to come to grips with the game after just a few minutes of practice, this especially applies to all the Jet Set Willy enthusiasts out there. Although some screens can be more than a little difficult (in actual fact they are impossible from the point the telephone booth sits) you can always jump to another screen using the booth again and selecting another screen number.

A great game indeed - certainly one for the Jet Set Willy fan.


Retro Gamer