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Copyright : Elite Systems Ltd | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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The story goes something like this, you are in need of some extra cash but are to young to get a proper job that pays well and so decide to see your local newsagents for any vacancies. They have one vacancy that can be filled by anyone at anytime (a Paperboy), you take the job and decide to liven things up a little while you are delivering the papers. In order to deliver papers at a light speed you throw them into the letter boxes and hope that you do not miss and smash a window or two, you also have to avoid the rougue lawnmowers, drunks, road workers, cars and other objects that try to stop you from making your delivery.

The final product is one hell of an addictive game that will have you pumping coins into the arcades over and over again, but what about the home computer conversion? Elite have done some very nice work on other arcade conversions such as Bomb Jack but who is to say that they will keep up the good work? Are we sitting comfortably? lets find out shall we?


Paperboy is another of my favourite retrogames from the 1980s, I first played this game on the BBC Microcomputer and was surprised at the quality of the graphics in the game - good stuff indeed. Since then I have seen the original arcade game by Atari and again I was surprised by the quality of the game considering the age of the title.

The graphics in the CPC version are 100% great, it looks like a whole new game and with a more cartoon looking feel to it. All of the people that live around your paper delivery area look great, the houses look great - it all looks superb. Even the colours have been used to a very high standard and promise to keep the game looking colourful from start to finish, this version looks ten times better than the horribly coloured PC conversion that was released at the same time, Elite deliver the goods once again.


Sound however is a different matter, there is nothing to score or talk about in this category because this is the one thing missing from the game. And when I say missing I mean, nothing, not there, no music, no bangs - nothing. Although I must admit when I played the game I hardly noticed it.


Gameplay is as good as all the other versions of the game, you simply have to avoid all the objects that face you and try to deliver as many papers as you can while picking up fresh stocks on your round. Although the game sounds basic you really should give it a try because I am sure that you will love it. As I said earlier this version of the game is ten times better than the horrible PC version that was released at about the same time and is well worth looking at.


Retro Gamer