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Michael Jacksons Moonwalker

Copyright : US Gold | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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Michael Jackson was so popular in the late 80?s and early 90?s that US Gold decided to make a game based on his biographical movie Moonwalker (the last 30 minutes at least).

The story is that a long time ago Michael was friendly with a group of children and often ventured out into the fields for a kick about. One day the groups dog (Skipper) took the ball into the dark depths of a wooded area and before long Michael found himself and a little girl lost, he ventured further and came across a hidden cave. Inside he found Mr Big! (Joe Pesci) and discovered his plans to turn the entire population into crazed drug addicts and start with school children, scared by a spider Michaels friend lets out a scream and they are both seen by Mr Big! who orders his troopers to get them - they managed to escape.

You take on the role of Michael Jackson and must stop the evil Mr Big! before we all become crazed drug addicted psychopaths - only Michael Jackson could think of a story like that - on with the review.


There are a total of 4 levels to Michael Jacksons Moonwalker and the first three have you running around trying to find something in order for him to make his escape and avoid the bad guys. It?s nothing like the arcade so please don?t think that.

Graphics wise the game is fine because it takes the overhead approach and therefore couldn?t possibly look crappy. There is a good use of colour throughout the game and all of the overhead characters look very well drawn, check out the picture of Michael Jackson to the right of level 1 and watch it change as you locate the different pieces of the bunny costume.


There are no in-game sounds what so ever, well unless you count a strange beeping noise when you pick something up. Instead you are treated to computer tracked versions of 4 Michael Jackson hits from the Bad album, these include "Bad", "Speed Demon" and "Smooth Criminal", together they make the game a little bit more enjoyable but they can be annoying after the ninth time of starting from scratch.


Gameplay is very basic indeed, you are placed in an overhead view and have to locate different objects (visible at the bottom of the screen) using the map (bottom left of the screen) to guide you through the maze like levels. Providing you can keep away from the fat boys and security guards you should be okay as in many cases the game is far from being difficult. After the first level and when you realise that the second is almost identical but you?re on a bike you kind of get bored and start to reach for the reset buttons, carry on playing though because the 3rd level is by far the best one in the game. Lets face it though, it could be a lot worse than this.


Retro Gamer