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Impossible Mission 2

Copyright : Epyx | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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This is one of those classics that almost everyone who had a computer in the early-mid 1980?s will remember because it was released on just about every single machine going at the time, even the BBC Microcomputer and there was even a good stand off between versions.

I?m not so sure about the story to this one and have nothing to fall back on but there are some things I do know, you are an agent working for the IMF (Impossible Mission Force) and have been sent into the underground of a top-secret building to disarm and destroy the robots scattered around the building. You need to be careful and take things in your stride because these robots only need to zap you once and your a piece of history, there are also some tricky gaps in the floor and some nifty jumping is required to get past them.

IM is a 1980?s classic but how did the sequel hold up to the original, was it worth buying or should you just play the first one all over again...find out below.


The first game was great even though to me it was also a little on the hard side and I never fully understood what I was doing - but hey that?s just me . It was released on older machines such as the BBC and 48K Spectrums with very little difference between them, give or take a few colours.

The graphics in the sequel are just as good if not a little smoother than those found in the original. Good use of colour has been used throughout the game and in the different rooms around the underground complex. Your main character is well animated and looks almost like Mr Cruise in M:I-2 - now there?s a thought. And there are many different types of robots that can either zap you dead or throw you off the ledge you are standing on - nasty but some thought has obviously gone into it.


Sound is just as good as the original although the later 16-bit versions of the game did contain a little bit of sampled speach, not that I can remember what it said. There are plenty of in-game sounds to keep you on your toes including the metalic running noise your player makes as he runs through the corridors, the zaping noise the robots make when you are electrocuted and the various sounds when you discover items in peoples luggage.


Gameplay is again as good as the first game but with very little to offer in terms of new stuff, it all seems very familiar and you can?t help but wonder that you have been here before. Okay it?s good if you have managed to complete the original game and need some more levels to play on but not so good if you didn?t manage to complete the first and wanted something different in the sequel.


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