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Harrier Attack

Copyright : Amsoft | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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Harrier Attack, ahh many an hour was spent playing on this game as it was one of the many that Amsoft decided to give away free with the CPC 464.

The aim of the game is to take off from the aircraft carrier, and fly towards the enemy island. You will then have to speed up your Harrier or it will run out of fuel before getting all the way over the island. You will also have to avoid the guided missiles launched by the enemy patrol boat. You may fly faster, slower, higher or lower but if you fly too high you will be detected by enemy jet fighters who will attack you with guided missiles. You will also be under almost constant attack from the land based anti-aircraft fire. You may attempt to shoot down the enemy planes and the land based weapons with your short range rocket fire, but if you do so you will have to immediately dodge out of the way of the explosion of your own aircraft. Having completed your mission you will need to fly back to the carrier and land before your fuel runs out. At any time you can abort the mission by ejecting from your aircraft, if you do so before it is destroyed you will recieve bonus points for saving yourself.


Harrier Attack was a game that you didn?t have to shell out money for because the good guys of Amsoft teamed up with Durell Software to provide it for free with the computer you just purchased. The game was also released on the ZX Spectrum and I am sure that it has a very similar fan base as those that played the Amstrad version.

The graphics are best described as basic but remember that you paid nothing for playing the game so you couldn?t complain too much. Using only three colours for the design of the level (blue, white and green) Durell obviously didn?t spend much time on the design or the art in this game. That being said in the days of the CPC the graphics were all in your head and gameplay was the only thing that mattered, plus the game was written in 1984.


However the sound is great, we get to hear an almost life like (for the time) sound of the Harrier flying through the air, missile shots when fired, explosions when enemies, ground weapons and yourself are destroyed and a fog horn to signal you from the carrier. There is no music in this game what so ever so don?t expect to bop along to anything in this game.


Gameplay is the killer here, this game was one of the best in the Amsoft bundle because it had you hitting the restart button over and over again. It?s very addictive, the controls aren?t very difficult and the game plays like a dream - just imagine its the war all over again and you?ll have a great time.


Retro Gamer