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Ghostbusters 2

Copyright : Activision | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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Ghostbusters 2 the video game is tightly based around the plot of the movie with the same name (duhh) and it?s pretty good if not a little difficult, here comes the story for those not in the know:

It?s five years after Sigourney Weaver (Dana) was possesed by the demons destined to take over the earth and lets just say that since their removal by the Ghostbusters things have been very quite. Until news years eve on the last day of the last century Oscar, Danas baby narrowly escapes death by auto as his buggy is dragged by unseen hands into the traffic of a busy New York street. Spengler (Harold Ramis) and Stanz (Dan Akroyd) investigate the scene to discover the gigabyte readings are as high as a month old pastrani! After setting up a phoney road works they jack hammer a hole breaking into an airshaft of the Vanhorne Railroad.

This is were you take the role of Ray Stanz to try and get a sample of the jelly like goo from the bottom of the shaft, but watch out...there are ghosts down there.


Ghostbusters 2 is a very short game in turn of levels but the size and difficulty of each, kind of reflects that fact and makes the game complete again.

Again we were pleasantly surprised by the quality of the graphics in the Amstrad version of this game, I had only previously seen this game on a green screen monitor and lets just say I wasn?t so happy when the colours blended almost perfectly with one another on the first level making Ray hard to see. The game on a colour monitor is the exact opposite, there are plenty of colours and all of the ingame graphics are very well drawn. Add the fact that you get to see the look on Rays face in the bottom right corner as he is attacked by the ghouls and this just makes the game even better.


Sound is on top form as we get an almost remixed version of the Ghostbusters soundtrack by the immortal David Whittacker and spot on in-game sounds, road snapping, back packs buzzing the works - the perfect compliment to the game.


Gameplay is probably the only let down here as most people won?t play the game for very long due to the difficulty of the first mine shaft level (hence no screens on the right from any further levles), I have only done this once and that was on the real thing - the second level with the Statue of Librerty is great! - perfect conversion of a reasonably new game to an aging machine.


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