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Action Force

Copyright : Virgin Games | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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In Action Force you take the role Wild Bill, one of the finest helicopter combat pilots ever to join the force. Behind the controls of the Dragonfly Helicopter you must defeat the B.A.T.S (Battle Android Troopers) the perfect enemy troopers.

They never question orders, complain about the rations, shirk duty or surrender. They will shoot anything that moves be it friend or foe - this is a tough mission but as they always say, someone has to do it.


Action force reminds me pretty much of the old Helicopter game in which you had to fly your "chopper" over the enemy grounds and pick up the hostages to escort them back to base safely. The graphics in Action Force aren?t superb but they are a long way from being awful, the colours on show are perhaps the major let down in this title as everything has a certain dull look to it. Because of the mode the game runs in everything is very easy to see and looks pretty huge on your CPC monitor which is always a good thing as it helps keep the game running at a good speed while looking pretty superb.


Virgin didn?t see fit to add any title music to Action Force which to us was a little bit of a let down as when you see this kind of thing you asume that the sound in the game is going to go down the same route, luckily the actual game itself does boast a pretty active soundtrack but not much varied sounds to throw at the games player.


All in all Action Force is a fairly good action game with everyones favourite mode of combat transport - the helicopter. The idea of the game rests along the same lines as other Shoot-Em-Ups from times gone past and even most current games in which you simply shoot everything that moves and hope for the best.

The control system in Action Force is a little dodgy though as you may often find problems moving your helicopter about the screen without hitting the side of a building but it?s nothing you can?t get to grips with, all in all Action Force is a game we urge any CPC fan out there to check out.


Retro Gamer