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Bounty Bob Strikes Back

Copyright : Big Five Software | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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Bounty Bob returns in this new and exciting follow adventure to Miner 2409er. This time around it?s even tougher than before and Bob needs your help more than ever to guide him through the mine. The mutant organisms have multiplied and over-run the mine entirely, making it extremely difficult to survive the hazards of the underground passages. Using the high powered special equipment in the 25 new caverns is Bob?s only hope of achieving his objective of securing the mine and defeating the plans of the evil Yukon Yohani.


Fans of the massively loved classic "Chuckie Egg" will no doubt easily recognise the graphical style on offer in Bounty Bob Strikes Back. Colours are nice and bright (though a little restricted) and levels have been well designed to make the game that little bit more challenging. The only glitches we noticed are in the collision detection, if you fall from any hight you will die instantly, if you touch any of the organisms on each level you will die instantly and be facing the wrong way in doing so. Given the age of the game though we can let some of these "problems" go for the time being.


Sound is nothing special but at least there is something to listen to while playing the game, Big Five are not exactly well known developers but at least they got this right which is more than can be said for some developers.


As we said earlier, Bounty Bob is so similar to the classic Chuckie Egg series it would be impossible for most fans not to enjoy this title. While the game is a long way from being easy it?s nothing that your die-hard platformer game wouldn?t be able to get to grips with and there are no serious bugs in the coding that will hinder your enjoyment of the game.
To cut a long story short, fans of Chuckie Egg will love this.


Retro Gamer