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12 Lost Souls

Copyright : Len Townsend | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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Well we are uncertain of the story to this one but we do know that this is a pretty strange text adventure game for those that are into this kind of thing - very few of you I imagine.

If you know the story to this game please send it in to with the subject heading 12 Lost Souls Story, you will be given full credit for your submission.

Onto the review.


When most people hear the words Text Adventure they instantly go into snooze mode.

But we know that some people actually enjoy playing these games so we?d better give them a review. The graphics are quite simplistic as most people who have played these games have come to expect, the only thing is that they look a little more basic than the average game with very few colours used on each screen.


The sound simply doesn?t exist in this game, not even a beep from your speakers. This is an enormous let down for a game of this genre in which the sound is the only thing that can save the player from dying of boredom.


Gameplay is very basic also, you are given the standard options (N = North, S = South etc, Pick Up, Drop, Give, Use) which have to be typed into the command line before anything happens. You can have some great fun with this by typing naughty words and getting the response - naughtywordhere? I don?t know how to do that - hehehehe.

Quite possibly the only entertaining thing about this game.


Retro Gamer