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Bobby Bearing

Copyright : The Edge | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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Bobby Bearings brothers have been led astray by their cousin. Ignoring all the warnings of their elders they have ventured into the metaplanes outside their dwelling, and been attacked and stunned by the evil bearings who inhabit the planes...your task in this 3D arcade game is to find and retrieve your brothers and cousin. But all is not as easy as it seems.


Those that have ever played the classic ball/puzzle game "Spindizzy" by Electric Dreams will no doubt recognise the style used in The Edges Bobby Bearing. Add the same level of high detail and a great amount of colour with a touch of cuteness added to our little hero and you?re on to a sure fire winner, Bobby Bearing looks great and for the most part is amazingly fast considering the details and the amount of moving sprites on screen at one time. The only problem we did notice however is that once you are stuck in a gap there is no way out of it and sitting still for 9999 seconds is not exactly our idea of fun.


Like the classic Spindizzy the sound is the same, almost non existant. There are of course little hints of sound scattered about the hundreds of locations in the game but we certainly wouldn?t have minded a little bit of music to get the game started. Still, at least there is nothing to distract you from the game itself.


If you are a fan of Spindizzy then there is no doubt that you?ll love this game and you should skip the rest of this review and click the download link at the top of this page. On the other hand for those that have never seen either of these games let me tell you that if you like your puzzles big, challenging and above all else fun to play then again there is no doubt that this game will appeal to you and you should already be downloading it by now.
Go on then, download it!


Retro Gamer