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Copyright : Zafiro | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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Almost everyone should remember this TV series, the ex-nam guys who each had a different skill (or complete lack of) ranging from a crazy guy named Murdock to the wacky ways of Mr-T this was one show that went down a storm with young children but made no sense at all to elder viewers.

Whenever these guys were in a spot of trouble they would simply find the nearest shed (usually containing a cardboard box and some string) and come out the other end with a tank! plus when somebody was shot or killed in the TV show there was never any blood to be seen, not even a scratch.

So how does the computer game compare? well see for yourself below.


The best way to describe A-Team as a computer game is "boring". Taking on an Operation Wolf style approach to shoot-em-up gaming the graphics look a hell of a lot more dated than most other games available of this style on the Amstrad CPC, this is quite a let down considering the kind of game A-Team could have been with the wacky story lines and events in the original TV show. The graphics are less than multi-coloured, badly animated and not very well drawn either. One of the most annoying bugs is that you often loose your cursor (for shooting the bad guys) within the backgrounds and before you know it you?re dead.


Another let down is the fact that not even the music has been ported over to the computer game - everyone must remember that theme it?s one of the hardest to forget and sat buzzing around your head for at least 24 hours after watching an episode. The in-game sounds themselves aren?t too bad but they don?t compare to the awesome conversion of the Arcade hit Operation Wolf in any fashion, all in all not exciting at all.


As we mentioned earlier A-Team takes on the Operation Wolf style shoot-em-up gaming in which you just point your cursor at the bad guys and press fire while trying your best to keep as much energy as you can to progress to the next stage. In Operation Wolf the levels changed scenery often enough to keep the player entertained as he/she shot a variety of enemies in different places were as A-Team doesn?t change very much at all, if you take a look at screen grab 2 which was taken from level 2 of the game you?ll notice some annoying similarities.

A-Team certainly won?t keep most of us coming back for more but as with most licensed games it probably still sold a few copies down your local high street store and was quickly erased or taken back the following day.


Retro Gamer