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BMX Freestyle

Copyright : Codemasters | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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Yet another BMX game from the time when everybody woke up on December the 25th to a shiny new BMX bike is reviewed here at CPC Zone. From the people who brought us the excellent adventure games Dizzy and Seymour comes BMX Freestyle, another addition to the budget sporting games series, is it any good or should CM stick to adventure games? find out below.


BMX Freestyle is certainly not the most pleasing title in the series as the colours are reduced to three (yellow, blue and black) and the side-on perspective doesn?t work as planned. Our gameplay area is far to small for the character that occupies it, this makes it difficult to see what is coming your way and very hard to play. BMX Freestyle looked pretty much the same on the ZX spectrum and as most CPC users will tell you, we came to expect more from Codemasters than this and yet again we we?re let down.


Sound on the other hand is pretty good, we are introduced by some very nice music which closely follows the stage music. Sadly things go down hill from here as the in-game effects are non-existant, yet another poor attempt at combining in-game audio with introduction music.


BMX Freestyle is one of the most frustrating games in the series, the playing area is overly small, gameplay is slow, controls are very awkward indeed because you simply can?t get our rider to move forward without pulling a wheelie and falling on his arse. This all adds to a very difficult game and one that probably won?t less longer than 30 minutes before it gets taken back to the retailer, we returned our copy back in 1992 after just 15 minutes of play.
Avoid this game.


Retro Gamer