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3D Voice Chess

Copyright : Deep Thought Software | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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Now this is one type of game that seriously should stick to the 3D world, Chess isn?t everyones cup of tea and it certainly isn?t fact when I think of a game of this genre (real world or simulation) I instantly go into snooze mode.
Having said that there are some people that actually like playing this game and for the sake of those people we are going to review them, so here goes.


Everyone that knows the rules to this classic game should instantly have a basic idea of how it works, for those that don?t you?re going to have to read up on it because we certainly aren?t getting into the rules now.

The graphics are quite good, well as good as can be expected from a game of this type. The pieces are easily recognisable even though the colour scheme is very basic. The only major graphical problem is the speed at which pieces move around the board (removal and re-drawing takes a while) but it certainly won?t put die-hard Chess fans off playing the game.


Sound is awesome if you enable the speech option at the start of the game, without this option things are a little on the quiet side. The speech is a little muffled at times but you can work out what is being said, as you enter you moves the computer will speek the letters you type (A2B2 for example) and will tell you if you enter an illegal move. There is no music in this game but that certainly isn?t a bad thing, serious simulation work better without it.


Last but not least, gameplay is only really present if you can play the real thing - if you have no idea how to play chess the chances are that you?ll throw this cassette in the bin before too long. There are no fast pace action sequences, no shooting bad guys while jumping to avoid missiles and no high-scores to beat - it?s just you against your CPC (who always manages to play better than you). Worth a go if you like Chess.


Retro Gamer