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Back To The Future

Copyright : Electric Dreams | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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Marty McFly, a typical teenager of the Eighties accidentally sent back to the year 1955 in a plutonium powered DeLorean "time machine" invented by slightly mad scientist Doctor Emmet Brown, manages to bump into his future parents and disrupt time so that they don?t fall in love or have children! unless he gets them both to fall in love before travelling back to 1985 he, his brother & sister will be erased from existance.


There is no doubt what so ever that the Back To The Future trilogy is one of the best movie trilogies out there (better than Star Wars in my opinion) but sadly the computer games fell into the wrong hands and ended up as nothing more than bad movie licenses. The graphics are basic in terms of colour usage and the representation of the movie characters (blockovision), Marty McFly looks like every other bloke in the movie but he?s wearing slightly different clothes and has different coloured hair, the game is painfully slow even without a load of graphical info on screen but having said all this it?s 100% identical to the Commodore 64 version of the game in every aspect!


A good attempt has been made on the sound, at least musically. A lot of the 1950?s music and Hewey Lewis?s "Power Of Love" has been tracked and placed throughout the game, it sounds great considering the age of the game and easily recognisable to fans of the movie (there should be loads of you out there btw).


Gameplay is basic, all you have to do is find all of the items at the top of the screen that have been scattered around the level (in not so ingenious locations) and avoid making contact with Biff Tannen, George McFly, Lorraine Baines and strangely enough the 1955 version of Doc Brown. If you make contact with any family member or anyone who is in your future you will slowly be erased (not as a character but the image in the bottom left corner).
It sounds simple enough but because the game is slow and not very exciting you?ll soon loose interest, trust me I wish this game was something special as the Movie deserves something great but sadly it?s nothing more than a very poorly licensed computer game out to make money from the success of the movie itself.
One last thing though - who said the Amstrad can?t produce the same quality as the C64? grab both versions and see for yourself!


Retro Gamer