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Back To Reality

Copyright : Mastertronic | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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Mastertronic produce the goods once again in this platform adventure game that sits you gently in the jet packed suit of an action hero who must fight his way through another threat to human kind and destroy the mothership before it destroys us. Guess what? you are the only person that can help always the way isn?t it?


Back To Reality is a super fine looking game, Mastertronic have used the CPCs colour palette very nicely and scattered it in random places in the various rooms of the mothership. The result? a very nice looking game that is rich in detail, features some very nice looking graphics (including the main character and his backgrounds) and it all runs at a very acceptable frame rate.

The playing area is nice and large, there are no problems with the collision detection and without any shadow of a doubt it looks better than the ZX spectrum version, something Mastertronic have always been proud of showing on our beloved CPC.


Yet again it looks like our friends at Mastetronic delievered the goods with this one, we are treated to some creepy introduction music which follows on into the game itself AND some very nice and action packed sound effects for the game itself, all of which overlap the music without any gaps in sound or notable problems.

The music also helps the atmosphere of the game and keeps you on your toes wondering what is around the next corner, very nicely done.


Like in many other platform adventures the object is to go through the many screens and collect the items that are in your way to use them again in a later room, anyone that has played Dizzy by codemasters will be more than familiar with the basics. Back To Reality is by no means an easy game but it is also not something you will become easily frustrated with, the levels are packed with nasties and there is plenty to do on your journey.

Unlike some other platform adventures outside of the Codemasters camp this is one that delivers the needed action, graphics and audio in spades. Worth grabbing right now!


Retro Gamer