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3D Monster Chase

Copyright : Romik | Reviewed by : Malc Jennings

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This is how games like Doom started out, you had limited movement and even more limited graphics back in the days of 8-bit gaming but it didn?t stop them from being bloody fun to play!

3D Monster Chase sets the senario of an explorer stuck inside a huge maze which is inhabited with not so friendly monsters, your challenge is to get out alive by locating the keys, shooting the monsters and getting out of those locked doors before you end up on a plate with side salad.


Romik have used the same idea as Amsoft did in Sultans Maze in which you must find your way out of the maze before you get killed, the main difference here is the fact that you can?t just walk around freely - you will need to find keys before you can progress into the later stages.

The graphics in this game are much the same as Sultans Maze with a touch more colour and not quite as scary monsters as the Amsoft classic. Remember that this type of game is very hard to do on an old system with limited hardware, it may have been state of the art in 198x but now it?s a little dated.


Sound wise it?s pretty basic but it?s enough to keep you happy as you stride around the maze, the monsters don?t wail at you or even make a sound for that matter which kind of takes away from the scariness of the game - not so much monsters as friendly rabbits that wouldn?t harm you in a million years.


The gameplay is a little limited also, in Sultans Maze you had to locate all of the jewels and get out of the maze in one piece - it had a good storyline that held the game in place. Monster Chase on the other hand is a little different as it has more of a puzzle feel, you need to locate keys and then the doors that accept those keys without getting minced by the monsters. The controls are awful and sometimes you?ll be wondering if your joystick is actually working as it takes a while to recognise you are pushing forward/left/back or right, this game is worth checking out but you?ll soon be hitting the power button.


Retro Gamer